“Frameworks for Extinction in Cinema,” ASLE EcoCast

Steven Swarbrick (Baruch College) and Jean-Thomas Tremblay (York University) discuss their new book, Negative Life: The Cinema of Extinction, with Lindsay Jolivette and Alex Tischer on ASLE EcoCast.

Negative Life on New Books in Film

Steven Swarbrick (Baruch College) and Jean-Thomas Tremblay (York University) discuss their new book, Negative Life: The Cinema of Extinction, with Jules O’Dwyer on the New Books in Film Podcast.

Negative Life at the University of Toronto

Steven Swarbrick (Baruch College) and Jean-Thomas Tremblay (York University) discuss their new book, Negative Life: The Cinema of Extinction, with Brian Price. Negative Life is in the series edited by Price for Northwestern University Press, Superimpositions: Philosophy and the Moving Image.

The Environmental Unconscious on High Theory

Steven Swarbrick discusses his new book, The Environmental Unconscious: Ecological Poetics from Spenser to Milton, with Saronik Bosu on the High Theory Podcast.